
Pittsburgh Birth Injury Lawyers

The Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania birth injury lawyers at Scanlon & Wojton: Attorneys at Law are here to help you if your baby suffered a birth injury. Birth injury medical malpractice can have very serious lifelong consequences for babies and their families.

Babies can experience injuries that can result in lifelong disability, including paralysis, brachial palsy, cerebral palsy, and more. In some cases, many of these birth injuries could have been prevented had doctors and obstetricians provided mothers and their children the standard of care. When babies suffer birth injuries and doctors fail to provide the standard of care, families may have the right to seek compensation for their losses and damages. Because the standard of care involves medical standards that the average person may not be able to assess, birth injury victims and families may not always be aware that they have the right to seek compensation for their losses. Doctors and hospitals may not always be willing to admit when they made a mistake. If you or your child suffered an injury during birth or delivery, the birth injury medical malpractice attorneys in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at Scanlon & Wojton: Attorneys at Law are here to help you.

According to Forbes, 31 babies born in the hospital out of 1,000 births suffer birth injuries. Parents and families of babies who suffer birth injuries due to medical malpractice may have the right to sue doctors, hospitals, obstetricians, nurses, and staff who fail to provide the standard of care. If your baby suffered a birth injury during delivery, the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania birth injury lawyers at Scanlon & Wojton: Attorneys at Law may be able to help you with your claim.

Contact the Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Birth Injury Lawyers at Scanlon & Wojton to help determine whether the standard of care was met, and more.

What Kind of Medical Errors Can Lead to Birth Injuries in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania?

Your birth injury lawyer in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at Scanlon & Wojton: Attorneys at Law can review medical records, hire medical experts, and even negotiate with hospitals and doctors to help you get the birth injury malpractice settlement you may deserve under the law. When an infant suffers an injury during childbirth, families might have many questions. Unfortunately, sometimes doctors, obstetricians, and staff may not provide answers because they may want to avoid lawsuits. Families whose babies have suffered birth injuries may have to find answers on their own. A birth injury medical malpractice lawyer in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at Scanlon & Wojton: Attorneys at Law can help you by reviewing medical records, have medical experts determine whether the standard of care was met, and more.

Here are some common medical errors that can lead to birth injuries in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:

Failing to Provide a C-Section When Needed. While many mothers want to have a natural childbirth, in some cases, a C-Section is medically necessary. If doctors or obstetricians fail to provide a C-Section on time, babies can suffer serious and debilitating birth injuries.
Failing to Provide Medical Care When the Fetus is in Distress. When a mother is in labor in the hospital, doctors and nurses monitor heart rates. When doctors or nurses fail to catch potential oxygen deprivation or abnormal heart rates, and fail to take steps to address fetal distress, the baby can suffer loss of oxygen and brain damage or even death.
Failing to Catch Birth Complications. Some birth complications can be addressed, and birth injuries can be prevented. For example, an umbilical cord wrapped around a baby’s neck could potentially cut off oxygen to the brain. Doctors and nurses can catch these situations to prevent injury to the baby. Other situations can include breech birth, excessive bleeding, and perineal tears, which can lead to maternal bleeding and debilitating injuries to the mother.
Improper Use of Medical Equipment. Sometimes doctors use forceps or other medical devices to aid in delivery. Yet, when these devices are used improperly, they can cause injury to the baby.

When medical errors occur, the baby or mother can suffer serious injuries. If you suspect that doctors, obstetricians, nurses, and staff failed to provide the standard of care, your family may have the right to seek damages. The Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania birth injury lawyers at Scanlon & Wojton: Attorneys at Law may be able to help you seek justice and compensation for your losses.

Not sure if you have a case?


Birth injuries can be devastating to families. At a time of great transition and expected joy, your family might suddenly be facing high medical bills, a long course of rehabilitation, and the stress and grief of struggling with an injury at a time that should be one of great happiness. If your family has been devastated by a medical error leading to a birth injury, reach out to the birth injury medical malpractice attorneys in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at Scanlon & Wojton: Attorneys at Law today.

Contact the Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Birth Injury Lawyers at Scanlon & Wojton to help determine whether the standard of care was met, and more.

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